In an effort to improve my blog, I've realized that I'm neglecting to offer viewers anything other than images of my work.
As a fine artist who has been through art school, graduated, shown in galleries, and curated shows, I feel I have learned a lot, which I promise to start passing along as I continue my artistic career. I believe a great place to start is with something I've finally decided to get serious about: WEBSITE! Yes, most artist have either a blog or facebook artist pages, which is great (the more places you are on the internet the more people will discover you!), but there is nothing quite like having one professional, clean, presentable website portfolio. I find most artist don't need a hard copy portfolio when they have an adequate website to add to their business cards.
Fine artists, I've been there, as a technologically challenged individual it's difficult to know where to start. My advice is, befriend a graphic designer! They have an eye for clean, organized layouts and usually know at least a bit about how to get a website started. Once you are happy with a template (take a look at, all their designs are pretty much the simple look you should be going for), invest in a domain name. Choose something simple and easy to remember. is an affordable option. It's not free, but it's well worth it to show others you are a professional artist who takes their work seriously. Think of it like framing your painting, it instantly makes your work look more refined and expensive.
Not only is a website great for showing off your work, but it's also a perfect place to showcase your artist statement and resume. Next time you're out making connections at art shows, you'll be prepared to offer people an easy access to all your information, which makes finding a job so much easier!
Hope this will serve as good advice; as someone who is still learning the complicated ways of the current art world, I will always be motivated to pass along some tips :)